About Us

Hooked on Crochet: A Story of Family, Rekindled Passions, and Yarn!

Picture of Sylvia Becker holding a crochet hook and a blue ball of yarn

Hi everyone, and welcome to HookedOnCrochet.net! My name is [Your Name], and like many of you, I’m absolutely hooked on crochet (see what I did there?).

My love for yarn crafts started young. My mom patiently taught me the basics of crocheting and knitting, sparking a lifelong passion for creating with yarn. However, life got busy, and for nearly 30 years, my needles and hooks stayed tucked away.

Then, something magical happened. In the last weeks of pregnancy with my beautiful daughter, I felt a powerful urge to pick up a crochet hook again. It was a way to reconnect with the calm and creativity I craved during that special time.

As I rediscovered the joy of crafting, a thought blossomed: why not share this love with others? In 2017, I took the leap and turned my hobby into a business, and HookedOnCrochet.net was born!

Here at HookedOnCrochet.net, you’ll find a welcoming community for everyone who shares a passion for crochet. Whether you’re a seasoned crocheter or a curious beginner, I believe there’s something for everyone.

Here’s a little more about what sets HookedOnCrochet.net apart:

  • A mix of experience: My journey blends the traditional knowledge passed down from my mom with the freedom and exploration of self-taught techniques.
  • A focus on community: I believe in fostering a supportive environment where everyone feels comfortable learning, sharing, and growing together.
  • A love for all things crochet: From patterns and tutorials to tips and tricks, you’ll find a wealth of resources to fuel your crocheting journey.

So, are you ready to get hooked? Grab your yarn, explore our website, and let’s create something amazing together!