Learn it

Lern to crochet your way

Learn to crochet or advance your crochet skills during fun and hands-on classes, face to face or online.

Crochet is relaxing, creative and trendy!

I once heard the saying: Crochet is cheaper than therapy. And that is true! You only need a crochet hook, a ball of yarn and you can start creating.

More and more people are discovering the benefits of crochet. After the first (sometimes stressfull) steps and the mastering of a few stiches they will discover that crochet is helping relieving stress:

  • Crochet is compared to other arts/ crafts very affordable to start with. All you need is a ball of yarn, a crochet hook, scissors and a yarn needle. If you want to learn it by yourself, you can get a starter kit.
  • The repetitive movement of the crochet hook and the focus on this movement, your yarn and your work is soothing body and mind.
  • Focusing on every aspect of your crochet work (movement, colour, pattern, fabric) will help you relax and being mindful.
  • It is wonderful to see someone enjoying your craft, when you give it as a present. This will feel very rewarding. All your crafts are unique, even your ‘mistakes’. They make them even more unique.
Crochet class basic materials

If you want to learn how to crochet the group course for beginners is your way to go. Every session is a mix of theretical topics, like health and safety, knowledge about yarn, introduction to pattern reading and practical excercises. 

Beginner classes have in general a basic/ static structure, improver classes will build on existing experience of the members. But โ€ฆ. everything can be changed according to the wishes of the group.

Currently all courses will be held in Eltham, South East London, the home of HookedOnCrochet.net. 

The classes/workshops run for 1,5 hours/week for 4 weeks (total of 6 hours).